Karna would crush Bhishma in any encounter, be it physical duel(humiliating defeat for Bhishma), plain archery or in the use of divine weapons,. Bhishma's best tactic is Praswapa astra(sole reason for his possible victory against Parashurama), which when used would knock out karna asleep for some moments. Because of his armor, Karna would be immortal. Even without armor, it would be a piece of cake, granted he fights with full vigor and equipped with celestial bow, Vijaya.
The feats of karna in a single day was more impressive than what Bhishma did in 10 days. Karna also made Arjuna sweat in their final encounter repeatedly countering his celestial weapons with his own. Karna wielded a celestial bow that enhanced the power of his divine weapons, which is why Arjuna's weapons were repeatedly thwarted on the 17th day. In contrast, Bhishma used a regular bow, allowing warriors like Shweta and Abhimanyu to exploit this weakness by cutting it off. Karna would do the same.
Remember, Arjuna fought against Karna with full vigor whereas, Against Bhishma he always holds back. Still It was far more difficult for Arjuna to put down Karna compared to Bhishma. Karna defeated Ghatotkacha back to back twice before killing him with Indra's spear, whereas Bhishma was terrified on hearing a single roar on 4th day and called for retreat.
Karna as a general was quite impressive too. When he took charge, the Kauravas had five akshouhinis while the Pandavas had three. After his fall, the Kauravas were left with three akshouhinis, and the Pandavas with only one. This indicates that under Karna's command, the casualties were equal for both sides, whereas in all other commanders' tenures, the Pandavas inflicted more losses on the Kauravas.
The performances of Bhishma and Shalya as commanders were most pathetic. Under Bhishma’s leadership, the Kauravas lost two akshouhinis, while the Pandavas suffered loss of less than 1 Akshouhini of soldiers. Similarly, during Shalya’s command, the Kauravas lost three akshouhinis, while the Pandavas lost only one.
Against Arjuna, however, Karna won't be able to succeed. Even without divine aid, Arjuna was quite a tough nut to crack and bested Karna despite having his armor. But even if we assume, It is Arjuna’s worst day and Karna's best, still Karna won't be able to vanquish or kill Arjuna. Due to the trump card in Arjuna's pocket , ie divine aid.
You see, Arjuna was about to be killed by Jayadratha's soldiers during Yudhistira’s Rajasuya, but was saved by Saptarishis. Whenever his life was in danger or faced critical situations, divine aid would always be there ,be it in the form of Krishna, Indra , Shiva , or like in this case, the Rishis too.
Discover the extraordinary feats of Bhishma, the iconic warrior of the Mahabharata. From his boon of Icchamrityu to his unmatched victories over Parshurama, his heroic stand in the Kashi Swayamvara, and his legendary prowess in the Kurukshetra war—learn about the unparalleled legacy of this mighty Kuru elder.
Explore the unparalleled feats of Arjuna, the greatest archer of the Mahabharata, revered for his divine prowess, unmatched victories, and devotion to dharma.Learn about his battles against gods, demons, and mighty warriors, and his significant role in the Kurukshetra War.
Explore the reasons why Karna, one of the most powerful warriors in the Mahabharata, never possessed the Brahmastra. Learn how Guru Drona refused to teach Karna due to his lack of restraint, and how Parashurama’s curse sealed Karna’s fate, making his tragic story one of lost opportunities, deception, and destiny.
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