Arjuna aims Raudra weapon against Karna. Karna’s chariot wheel sinks. Karna gets down from the chariot and tries to lift the wheel. Karna asks Arjuna to stop fighting until he lifts the wheel. Krishna condems Karna's previous evil actions. The fight continue. Arjuna counter Karna’s brahmastra with his own Brahmastra. Meanwhile karna is still trying to extract the wheel. Arjuna fire Agneyastra which Karna counters with Varunastra. Karna covered all directions with clouds. But Arjuna destroyed the clouds with Vayavya astra. Karna then took up a blazing weapon and struck Arjuna’s chest with it. Arjuna reels in pain and Gandiva falls from his hand. Using this opportunity, Karna gets down from the chariot and tries to lift the wheel. Arjuna recovers and takes up Anjalika arrow. Krishna then tells Arjuna to kill karna. Arjuna with an arrow struck down Karna’s standard. Arjuna takes up the Anjalika arrow and fires it. The astra beheads Karna killing him instantly.
Sri Krishna always portrayed himself as a neutral entity without taking side of either Pandavas or Kauravas although he knew that Pandavas were on the side of Dharma & Kauravas were the erring party. Just before the start of Mahabharata, all Indian kings were given an option to choose between Pandavas or Kauravas. Sri Krishna was the Yadava Chieftain with a huge Yadava army at his disposal & naturally both Pandavas & Kauravas wanted him to be on their side along with his army.
Discover the untold story of Karna’s karmic journey in the Mahabharata, tracing his past life as the demon Dambodhava. Explore how his actions in a previous birth shaped his destiny, his tragic flaws, and his role in fulfilling divine justice through Arjuna and Krishna (Nar and Narayan). Unravel the deeper layers of dharma, karma, and fate in this timeless epic.
Explore how Arjuna, the legendary warrior from the Mahabharata, became the epitome of excellence through exceptional focus, unwavering dedication, and insatiable curiosity to learn. From overcoming challenges under Guru Drona’s training to mastering celestial weapons under Indra, this article delves into the traits and incidents that made Arjuna the greatest warrior of his time.
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