The Hindu Philosophy of Life, Death, and Rebirth

Hinduism views life and death as part of a natural cycle, with the soul being eternal and passing through many lives:

Reincarnation Hindus believe that the soul is immortal and can take on a new physical form after death. This cycle of repeated births and deaths is called samsara. Karma Hindus believe that karma governs the cycle of samsara. The soul's journey According to the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, when a soul leaves the body, the life-breath follows, then all the organs, and finally the soul. The soul then goes to a body related to its consciousness, accompanied by its knowledge, works, and past experiences. Grief Hindus believe that grief plays an important role in spiritual development. Dharma Hindus strive to achieve dharma, a code of living that emphasizes good conduct and morality. Dharma is a set of behaviors that are considered to be in accord with Ṛta, the "order and custom" that makes life and the universe possible.

Soul's Journey
Life And Death Philosophy
Hindu Beliefs
Spiritual Growth
Grief In Hinduism
Eternal Soul
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