Veda Vyasa actually wrote 60 lakh slokas (krandhas) in Mahabaratha. Out of which 30 lakhs stood in Devalokha. Naradha told the story to Devas. 15 lakhs stood in Pithru lokha. Asidha and Devala told the story to them. 14 lakhs stood in Asura yaksha lokha. Sukracharya narrated the story to them. The remaining 1 lakh only came to Earth. Vaisamphayana told the story to humans.
Krishna is Adi-Purusa and Radha is Adi-shakti or internal potency or Antaranga shakti of Krishna so it is not possible for anyone to separate Energy from Energetic
Jabali is described as a follower of the Charvaka philosophy, which is known for its atheistic outlook. The Charvaka tradition advocates materialism, placing trust only in the tangible world and rejecting beliefs in the supernatural, such as God, the soul, and reincarnation.
Sri Krishna always portrayed himself as a neutral entity without taking side of either Pandavas or Kauravas although he knew that Pandavas were on the side of Dharma & Kauravas were the erring party. Just before the start of Mahabharata, all Indian kings were given an option to choose between Pandavas or Kauravas. Sri Krishna was the Yadava Chieftain with a huge Yadava army at his disposal & naturally both Pandavas & Kauravas wanted him to be on their side along with his army.